Being back home is definitely bittersweet. I am so happy to be back with my family and friends
again and back to working, but I definitely miss Costa Rica. I have only been back for a short while and I’m
ready to start planning a return trip. Although
the trip had its stressful moments I’ve realized, what class doesn’t? On the trip there were times that I let the
stress get to me more than I should have and that is unfortunate. I do feel though that even that has been a
big part of helping me grow on this trip.
There were trials with homesickness, arguments, stress, and so many
other things, but it has ultimately made me a better person, and a better
Before coming
on this trip I was very worried about how everything would go with my home
stays. I had never expected the biggest
challenge to be with the mix of people on the trip. But even this was a helpful learning
experience. There are always going to be
people that you don’t get along with all the time, especially in teaching
teams. It is very important to be able
to work with people even if they aren’t your favorite people in the world. I think this trip has helped with this a
lot. This past semester a lot of my
classmates learned this in our unit groups.
During the semester I got lucky in that I got along with my partners
very well, which will also happen sometimes.
However, the fact that this was the ideal situation didn’t help me get
used to having to work with people that are very different from me. On this trip I not only had to interact with
them but I had to live with them more or less.
Although I wasn’t working on projects with these people directly, it has
still helped to prepare me for what it might be like to work on a teaching team
with people that I don’t get along with 100%.
were times on the trip when I was ready to just leave and go back home. But now, looking back I am more than glad
that I went on this trip. It wasn’t easy
but then again nothing worth it is easy.
It was a process but I made it through and I am a stronger and better
person for it. This trip has changed me
and I’m glad for that. I feel such a
great pride in myself for taking the step and going on the trip despite how
scared I was. I’m proud that I did the
things I did and faced my fears. This
trip truly is a once in a lifetime experience and I would highly recommend it
to anyone and everyone in the department.
I went thinking that I would learn about ELL students, but I learned so
much more than that. I learned about
myself, and for that I am grateful. I am
grateful to the department and the teachers who all made this trip possible;
because getting to learn about myself in this way was priceless. PURA VIDA!!!!!
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